Language Assistance - GLOBO

From your personal phone dial 267-551-6796

From the desk phone dial 9-267-551-6796

This number is for PHL Airport Staff and Volunteer use only.

Please do not distribute this number to passengers or dial this number on the passenger's phone.

For help with communicating with a passenger beyond the use of Google Translate, The PHL GLOBO Language Access Line is now available.

GLOBO is a provider of translation technology and services, giving organizations the ability to communicate in any language, 24/7 through one simple platform.

The PHL rep calls 267-551-6796, identifies the language needed and answers a question about which terminal they are at. Globo will give you the option to select one of the top 11 languages (identified below) by selecting the corresponding number, or you can just select '0' to ask for a specific one.   Once the interpreter is on the line, make sure the phone (or iPad) is on speaker phone.  

  1. Spanish
  2. Brazilian/Portuguese
  3. Mandarin
  4. Haitian/Creole
  5. Vietnamese
  6. Arabic
  7. French
  8. Russian
  9. Bengali
  10. Kamar
  11. Korean

GLOBO can provide an interpreter for 253 languages. Follow this link to see a full list of languages:

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