Free Airport WiFi

The airport offers free complimentary wifi accessible to anyone with a smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc. 

There are two network names:

Free PHL Airport WiFi-24

Free PHL Airport WiFi 

Passengers should connect to the network with the highest strength (the greatest number of bars). When connecting it will prompt the user to an AT&T agreement page where they must check the box ''I accept to the Terms of Service'' and then hit sign on. This will then automatically begin playing a 30 second ad that the user must watch (do not exit out of this). When the ad is over it will ask a final question, they should answer "No Thanks, Just Take Me Online". Wait for the network to establish a connection and they are good to go.

A survey may pop up, but they do not need to answer this. They can hit done in the right top corner and begin to use the internet. 

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