SEPTA Train and Bus Information
AIRPORT TRAIN (Regional Rail)
Please visit to download the updated Regional Rail Airport line schedule (Updated 9/8/24).
- Trains run every 30 minutes. Arrival and departure times vary by terminal but can be verified by checking the SEPTA Airport Line schedules stored at each information desk, usually in the locked cabinet. If you cannot find a schedule, call a supervisor and they will bring more schedules to your desk.
- Each train stops at Eastwick, Penn Medicine, 30th Street, Suburban, Jefferson and Temple.
- All stations on the Airport Line are wheelchair accessible.
From the Airport to Eastwick Station - Quick Trip from the SEPTA Machine $3.75 or $4 on the train
From the Airport to Center City Stations - Quick Trip from the SEPTA Machine $6.75 or $8 on the train
From the Airport to All Other Stations - Quick Trip from the SEPTA Machine and on the train $9.25
Airport Train Directions:
Passengers can access the train going towards Center City from both the Center and North Platforms
If the Passenger exits from Terminal A-East, B, C, D, or E (Not A-West or F):
Ask the Passenger if they are picking up any luggage:
- If the Passenger is NOT picking up luggage:
The Passenger can exit and go down the stairs/elevator that are located halfway down the hallway to the Center Platform
- If the Passenger IS picking up luggage:
Send the Passenger to Baggage claim, have them pick up their luggage, and then inform them to exit through the Zones 5-8 side and walk across the little side street to the North Platform
Passengers exiting from Terminal F:
Send the Passenger to Baggage claim, inform them to exit through the Zones 5-8 side and walk across the little side street to the North Platform
The airport is also served by three SEPTA bus routes at Zone 1 of the Arrivals Road outside of each baggage claim:
Route 37 - From South Philadelphia to Chester, Pa
- Drops off and picks up from A, B, D, and E/F
Route 108 - From the airport to 69th Street Transportation Center
- Drops off and picks up from A, B, D, and E/F
Route 115 - From the airport to Delaware County Community College
- Drops off passengers in terminals A and B, but will only pick up outside of terminal B
When paying with cash, the single-ride transit fare is $2.50 (exact change only). When paying with a SEPTA Key card, it is $2.
Each Baggage Claim in Zone 1
Bus Location:
Service picks up registered passengers, seniors and individuals with disabilities at Zone 1 located outside of each bag claim area. To schedule a pick-up, registered users may call 215-580-7700 (TDD/TTY 215-580-7712)
For additional SEPTA information, call 215-580-7800 or visit
SEPTA KEY CARDS can be purchased from Hudson News in the D Terminal (employee's purchase cards from here)